Happy New Year everyone.
I apologise for the lack of posts due to my studies.
However, it is time for another capsule challenge.
I have a week off in February which I'd like to devote to the challenge.
For old timers and newbies alike there is a recap below.
The date is week which begins on Monday, February 14th.
If you are planning to join us, please let me know in the comments box.
The rules are simple.
Choose ten items of clothing from your wardrobe and mix and match them for five days between Monday February 14th and Friday February 18th.
You can have any combination of shoes, dresses, skirts, tops and jackets as long as it adds up to ten individual items.
You are also allowed five accessories which include jewellery, scarves, bag, belts etc.
Underwear and hosiery do not come under the ten items and five accessories!
If you are joining the challenge please blog about it and if you want to appear in my Capsule Wardrobe Challenge round-up the following week then please email your pics to workthatwardrobe@googlemail.com
And finally, I will award a prize for the most creative participant in the 2011 Annual Capsule Wardrobe Challenge.
Happy (Closet) Shopping.